All Projects


Personal portfolio and blog website. Made with React JS via Gatsby Js . Data queried with GraphQl and strapi. Styled with Styled Components, and finally deployed via Netlify.

React JSJavaScriptGatsby JSStyled ComponentsStrapiSEONetlify

Dev Connector

Social network for developers . Front-end written in React.JS, and back end's REST API built with Express and MongoDB. App deployed via Heroku. Project for MERN course.

React JSJavascriptExpressMongoDBHTMLNoSQLCSSREST

Personality App

Android app written in Java published to the Google play app store. Displays beautiful animated details about your personality after answering a scientifically valid inventory called the mini-IPIP

AndroidJavaGoogle Play

Machine Learning Reasearch Project

UHD senior research project. After taking a personality test, machine learning model predicts a career/vocation. Machine learning model trained by UHD students. Programmed in R, and implemented in R Shiny.

R ShinyRMachine Learning

Green News

News app with a focus on the environment that implements sorting and search features based on language, date, or country. Built with MVVM architecture, and parsed JSON data from NewsApi using Retrofit.

AndroidJavaAndroid StudioRetrofitLiveDataMVVMWebViewGlide

Forest Watch

Forest Watch catalogs the latest news about various topics straight from the news API.
